The Jcodes Dev Blog

A nerd blog. A journey.

What to expect.

Welcome to my developer blog! I'll be working on a wide range of blog topics. Everything from opinion pieces to hardware tech reviews, to some of the project related tips and tricks that I've discovered along the way. Make sure to come and join me on Mastodon, and we should totally connect on LinkedIn also!

Want to see more?

I can tell you are already intrigued. I have a sense about this kind of thing. It's okay, I get it. I have a magnetism. Don't fight it. I have a bunch of work posted over at my portfolio that you can check out if you'd like to dig deeper. Go check it out and let me know what you think! Let's connect on Github too!

Featured Articles

Night City 2025
by Jon Collins
I'll be exploring playing Cyberpunk 2077 on a budget gaming rig in 2025. I'll be talking bugs, settings, FPS, and just some general impressions of this now famous (or infamous) offering from CD Project Red. So join me as I shave half my head, get some sweet samurai tatts, and paint the town neon pink.
IBM Model F GlowUp
by Jon Collins
In this blog post we do a full teardown and build/glow up of the iconic IBM Model F keyboard. This heavy weapon (not kidding, it's like 10lbs) of a keyboard was a total workhorse from the early 80's, and persisted into the early 90's. It's heavy. It has a unique left mounted double function cluster. And it is, oh so very clicky and delicious. Let's dive into the Model F glow up!
Reducing spam on your site forms
by Jon Collins
16 mins
Spammers and bots are the worst. Unless they are our bots. Ammiright?? So let’s take a look at a few different strategies we can employ to reduce the annoying spam and bot submissions that might be plaguing your web app and site forms!